What is YMUN Dubai, anyway?

YMUN Dubai is a three-day international Model UN conference designed for high school students, set to take place in the vibrant city of Dubai. Delegates from around the world will convene to engage in a dynamic exchange of ideas, utilizing debate and diplomacy to address some of the most intricate global challenges of our time. At YMUN Dubai, delegates will step into the roles of UN representatives, policymakers, and influential figures, immersing themselves in the inner workings of global politics and collaborative problem-solving. Throughout the conference, they will explore a wide array of topics spanning international and national security, political and economic development, human rights, sustainability, and more. This immersive experience will empower delegates to navigate the complexities of international negotiation, embrace fresh perspectives, and collaboratively craft comprehensive solutions to pressing global issues.

In its inaugural year, YMUN Dubai aspires to provide delegates from around the world with an exceptional opportunity to partake in a dynamic, educational, and enriching experience that hones and showcases their abilities. It is this unwavering dedication, commitment, and attention to detail that establish YMUN as one of the foremost Model UN conferences on a global scale, and we eagerly anticipate your participation in this inaugural event in the heart of Dubai.

Here’s What to Expect:

An unparalleled conference experience,

YMUN Dubai is poised to become your most cherished Model UN experience, and we guarantee that our committee topics and dynamic debate format will be truly unparalleled.

a supportive group of Yale students

Our Secretariat, which is comprised entirely of Yale students of all majors and class years, is stoked to help you unlock your potential over the three days of the conference. We will try our best to challenge you to think critically and deeply about the world’s most pressing issues.

& a phenomenal, unforgettable weekend

We know that you are high school students, and that this experience, while educational at its core, is meant to be one that you treasure and deeply enjoy. We will be offering you plenty of opportunities to mingle with other delegates and meet students from all around the world!

Meet the Team

                   SECRETARY GENERAL                

  • Jad Bataha (he/him/his) is a senior in Pauli Murray College and Secretary General of YMUN Dubai I. He is from Jerusalem, Palestine, and is majoring in Computer Science and Economics. Jad has been involved in YIRA since his first-year, and excited to conclude his time by leading our inaugural conference in Dubai. He also served as a Senator and Business Director on the Yale College Council. This year, Jad is a member of The Executive Committee, a Student Organization Consultant, as well as an Arabic Tutor. In his free time, he can be found listening to his favorite artist, Adele, or going for long walks around New Haven. Jad is so excited to meet you all at the inaugural YMUN Dubai conference. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to him at secgen@ymundubai.org


  • Misaal Tabassum is a junior in Stiles majoring in Political Science and History. She is originally from New York City. She will be serving as the Under-Secretary General of Outreach for YMUN Dubai’s inaugural conference, in addition to running a committee! Outside of YMUN Dubai, She is involved with Yale Admissions, Matriculate, Yalies for Pakistan, and is a Peer Liaison. She is super excited to work on securing partnerships and developing a committee that will enhance the conference experience for all delegates! Feel free to reach out with any questions at outreach@ymundubai.org


  • Isabella Osgood (she/her) is a junior from California and Malaysia double majoring in Philosophy and Political Science. Being half Chinese and Mexican, she speaks Mandarin and Cantonese at home, and holds an Advanced Language Certificate in Chinese. Throughout high school and university, Bella has studied and worked in multiple cities within Japan, France, and China. She is the President of the Yale Philosophy Journal, Vice-President of Asian-ish, and Events Director of the Chinese Language and Career Initiative. On the weekends, she enjoys singing with the Yale Undergraduate Chamber Choir, taking trips to New York City to see operas & art exhibitions, and digital photography—especially taking photos of her friends!

    You can reach Bella, Under-Secretary General of Delegations, with registration questions at dels@ymundubai.org


  • Nishah Jaferi is a junior in Saybrook College from Boca Raton, Florida and is currently studying Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology. This year, Nishah serves as Director of the YMUN Dubai Conference team. During her time at Yale, she has participated extensively as an executive member of Ma’rifa, a national organization committed to providing Shi’a Muslim youth with frameworks for critical leadership and community building. This summer, Nishah worked as a health policy intern at the Integrated Refugee & Immigrant Services where she advocated for healthcare reform in refugee and immigrant communities. Outside of classes, she also conducts cancer research at the Yale School of Medicine. Nishah is thrilled to work on the YMUN Dubai team!


  • Yasmine Chokrane is a junior, double-majoring in Political Science and Comparative Literature. Prior to YMUN Dubai I, Yasmine has experience within YIRA working on Yale Model African Union, Yale Model United Nations, and on the Executive Director team. Outside of YIRA, Yasmine works at the Yale Center for British Arts, as a language tutor, the Data-Intensive Social Science Center (DISSC), and as a research assistant. She is also a current intern at the Mayors Migration Council. Yasmine loves to cook, dance with friends, visit museums, and is passionate about language-learning. She is incredibly excited to meet you all at the inaugural YMUN Dubai conference. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to her at admin@ymundubai.org!


  • Karla Perdomo Núñez is the Under-Secretary General of Branding for YMUN Dubai I. She is a sophomore in Stiles majoring in Global Affairs and pursuing an Advanced Language Spanish Certificate. Apart from academics, she is a Peer Liaison for La Casa Cultural at Yale, an interpreter for the Yale Law School, a member of the Migration Alliance at Yale, and volunteers for the Soup Kitchen at St. Thomas More Catholic Church at Yale. She was born in the Dominican Republic but has lived most of her life in Jersey City, New Jersey. In her spare time she enjoys listening to music, thrifting and knitting/crocheting. Karla is excited to work and engage with delegates at the conference! You can reach out to her at branding@ymundubai.org.


  • Semira Mohamed is the Under-Secretary General of Programming of YMUN Dubai. Born and raised in Dallas, Texas, Semira is a junior in Morse College majoring in Psychology and is a part of the Multidisciplinary Academic Program in Human Rights at Yale Law School. She previously served as USG of International Recruitment for the Yale Model African Union II. In addition to YMUN Dubai, Semira is a Consumer Sector Analyst for BlackGen Capital, a Video Production Assistant for the Yale Alumni Association, and a Research Assistant in the department of Psychiatry. In her spare time, Semira enjoys cooking and baking, watching movies, and taking long walks with friends. Semira is eager to connect with delegates at the inaugural conference! You can reach her at programming@ymundubai.org


  • Samad Hakani (he/him) is a sophomore in Davenport College majoring in Political Science. He plans to attend graduate school and study American political economy. He loves learning more about economic cooperation between nations and the interconnectedness of the global economy. In his free time, he loves to hike and watch comedy shows. At Yale, he's involved in The Yale Record, the Yale Daily News, and the Yale Community Kitchen. He is serving as director for YMUN Dubai I. Feel free to reach out to him at samad.hakani@yale.edu with any song recommendations or questions about the conference!


  • Fawzaan Hashmi is a pre med majoring in Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental BIology and sees his post as the Director-General of Committees as the much needed solace in his pre med life. Fawzaan was previously involved in YIRA by serving as a chair for YMUN and as a Training Director for MUN camps in China. Outside of the YIRA realm, he volunteers for the HAVEN Free Clinic, performs immunobiology research at the Yale School of Medicine, and is a Mellonista for Saybrook College. Fawzaan considers himself to be a budding Urdu poet and is currently on a mission to try every pastry at Common Grounds. He is eagerly awaiting to hear anything and everything from you at committees@ymundubai.org!


  • Joanne (she/her) is a sophomore from Seoul, South Korea majoring in Economics and Mathematics. She is serving as the Under-Secretary General of Committees. Joanne has been involved in Model UN since high school, and is part of the competitive Model UN team at Yale. On campus, Joanne is also part of the Undergraduate Moot Court team and volunteers for the Yale Legal Aid Association. In her free time, she loves exploring museums, eating good food, and visiting the beach with her friends. She is looking forward to meeting all the delegates at YMUN Dubai and crafting a memorable experience for everyone. Feel free to reach out to her at usg.committees@ymundubai.org.


  • Suvd Tumenjargal is a junior majoring in Economics and pursuing a certificate in programming. She is from Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, which is often cited as the coldest capital city in the world. Outside of her academic commitments, She works as a recruitment coordinator for the Yale Undergraduate Admissions Office, conducts research for the Yale School of Management, and volunteers at the Yale Community Kitchen.She is very excited to serve as a Director for YMUN Dubai I and contribute to empowering young minds to become informed, compassionate, and responsible citizens.


  • Dominique Castanheira is a senior originally from Dallas, Texas. At Yale, she majors in Ethics, Politics and Economics and previously served as the Secretary-General for the 49th iteration of Yale Model United Nations in New Haven. When she's not working on a Model UN conference, Dominique can be found at a bookstore or on a run. She is so excited to serve as a Director for the YMUN Dubai conference and can be reached at dominique.castanheira@yale.edu.